Stop Illegal Dumping

Report Illegal Dumping at 867-667-2111.

Illegal dumping costs us all! We’ve all seen it at one time or another: garbage, old appliances, broken TVs, mattresses, and other waste items dumped in the bush. Even old freezer meat seems to be “fair game.”

Help keep Yukon wild by reporting illegal dump sites with City limits to Bylaw Services at 867-667-2111 or Environment Yukon’s TIPP line at 1-800-661-0525 for dump sites beyond municipal jurisdiction.

By developing partnerships, having vigilant community members who report illegal dumping, and developing a strategy to manage the problem, we can see results that help to reduce the incidence of this unacceptable practice. Whitehorse citizens and community groups are also working to stop illegal dumping. The City thanks these groups for their hard work and commitment to a cleaner and greener Whitehorse.

Note: Please contact the RCMP at 867-667-5555 if you suspect materials to be explosive or need help identifying explosive materials.

Visit our SWAP Engagement site for an interactive illegal dumping map where you can put a pin-up to submit illegal dumping anonymously! Help keep the wilderness in Wilderness City!