Resource |
Brief Description |
Transit Review 2002 |
Comprised of 9 action plan items to review the Transit operation and look at the cost recovery shortfalls. |
Handy Bus Service Review 2001-2005 |
Report to show the changes in the past 5 years showing the impact of those changes. |
Whitehorse Sustainability Plan (2015) |
Comprises 12 goals that describe what the community wants to achieve in the long term. “Strong Downtown and Liveable Neighbourhood” is one of the goal areas. |
Community Economic Development Strategy (2015) |
A strategic community development plan with a particular focus on the economy of Whitehorse. The strategy contains 6 goal areas of which “Vibrant Downtown Core” is one of them. |
Whitehorse Transportation Demand Management Plan, Boulevard Transportation Group (2014) |
Identifies policies, programs and services to reduce Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) reliance and the negative impacts associated with automobile use, and facilitate increased walking, cycling, and transit. |
Downtown South Master Plan (2011) |
Sets out a 20 year vision for the future of development and redevelopment in the Downtown South sub-area. Contains specific action items that will guide the City and other partners to create a revitalized area. |
Whitehorse Downtown Parking Management Plan, Boulevard Transportation Group (2011) |
A comprehensive plan that identifies a number of strategies to better manage the City’s parking resources and help reduce parking demand. |
City of Whitehorse Official Community Plan (2010) |
The overarching guiding land use planning document for the City of Whitehorse that documents the broad objectives and land use policies of the city over the long term. The OCP contains Downtown and Marwell specific policies and land use designations. |
City of Whitehorse Trail Plan (2007) |
Document that gives guidance to the City for trail planning, development and programming. |
Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2007) |
Includes an inventory of current areas of City responsibility, a review of trends in recreation, and identification of areas for improvement. |
City-Wide Transportation Study, UMA Engineering (2004) |
An overall transportation study for the city that examines transportation issues and goals, the road network and traffic operations, transportation safety, alternative modes, and Downtown parking. |