Handy Bus Services

The Handy Bus service is jointly funded by the City and the Government of Yukon. It offers safe and secure transportation to persons who, for a variety of reasons, have difficulty using regular transit service.

The Handy Bus is available to provide transportation on both a scheduled and casual need basis. The Handy Bus Policy adopted by City Council on Handy Bus Service governs the use of the system.

Our entire fleet of conventional buses are fully-accessible low-floor buses.

42668-8394HANDY BUS
Cash fare rates apply, or clients may use tickets or passes.

The Handy Bus operates seven days a week. The hours of service may change subject to available resources and demonstrated demand.

Monday to Friday: 6:35 a.m. to 10 p.m. (matches conventional service hours)

Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Weekend service is provided only to clients who have made bookings prior to 4:30 p.m. on Friday.

Cash Fare: $2.50
Ticket Strips: 10 tickets for $10
Monthly Pass: $26