June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
The zoning bylaw provides zoning to allow for economic, beneficial and environmentally sensitive development in the city, having regard for the following objectives: implementing the Official Community Plan, providing a comfortable community with a variety of settings for residents, maintaining and enhancing a community character complementary to the surrounding natural environment, and serving as a centre for a wide range of commercial, recreational, industrial and institutional services to residents and visitors
June 3, 2022
A bylaw to provide for the operation, maintenance and control of a water distribution system for the City of Whitehorse.
June 3, 2022
A bylaw to provide for the collection, removal, transportation, and disposal of solid waste within the City.
June 3, 2022
A bylaw to permit, license and regulate the owners and operators of vehicles for hire in the City of Whitehorse.
June 3, 2022
A bylaw to regulate traffic and parking in the City of Whitehorse. The new bylaw adopted in 2013 includes a parking permit system for qualified residents of certain areas in the downtown core.
June 3, 2022